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الجلد إلى الروح - زيت الجسم

Regular price $72.63 USD
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Transform Your Beauty Routine with the Power of White Jade. Elevate your skincare and wellness rituals with NATIV SENS. White Jade Gua Sha. This authentic, hand-crafted stone emits Healing QI Energy Frequencies while designed to reduce inflammation & stimulate lymphatic drainage. NATIV SENS. White Jade Gua Sha is an essential addition to your beauty arsenal.


Genuine, Authentic, Hand-Crafted

Real People, Real Results

أيقظ حواسك من خلال التنفس في الرائحة المبهجة لزيوت اللوتس الزرقاء وزيوت بالو سانتو العطرية، مما يجذبك إلى اللحظة الحالية، مما يوفر إحساسًا مهدئًا ومركزًا لإزالة التوتر.

اسمح لجسدك أن ينتقل..

Skin to Soul - يحتوي زيت الجسم على مزيج غريب من 11 من الزيوت النباتية الثمينة بما في ذلك الجوجوبا، وبالو سانتو، واللوتس الأزرق، واللافندر، وفيتامين E الطبيعي، وجنين القمح، واليوسفي، والمردقوش، والباتشولي، وإبرة الراعي، والبابونج. هذا الزيت الطبيعي 100% مليء بمضادات الأكسدة والأوميغا والفيتامينات التي تعمل على تحسين ترطيب البشرة ومرونتها، مما يوفر لك بشرة متوهجة وحريرية ونضرة.

تم قياس كل مكون تم اختياره بوعي مقابل البدائل للتأكد من أنه يترك تأثيرًا إيجابيًا على بشرتك والكوكب. نحن نستورد من موردين أخلاقيين من جميع أنحاء العالم للحصول على المكونات النباتية عالية الجودة التي توفر النتائج القوية التي تحبها مع تمكين الأشخاص الذين يحصدونها.

رائحة والملمس

إكسير ذهبي غني مع نفحات زهرية مبهجة من زهرة اللوتس الزرقاء مقترنة برائحة بالو سانتو المذهلة، من المؤكد أن هذا الزيت سيترك جسمك يشعر برائحة مذهلة.


يتغلغل زيت الجسم الإكسير الذهبي هذا بعمق ويستعيد الرطوبة مما يخلق توهجًا مضيئًا وناعمًا لجسمك لاستهداف السيلوليت وعلامات التمدد وعيوب الجلد؛ تعمل على تعزيز وتحفيز دوران الخلايا ومرونتها والحماية من الجذور الحرة.


ضعي 2-3 ضخات أو حسب الرغبة على البشرة الرطبة بعد الاستحمام. السماح للزيت بالتغلغل والتسرب إلى الجلد. نوصي باستخدام الزيت مع غوا شا للجسم للحصول على الفوائد الإضافية التي توفرها طقوس غوا شا للجسم.


100 مل / 3 أونصة سائلة

يجب أن تستمر كل زجاجة لمدة تصل إلى 3 أشهر من الاستخدام المنتظم.

Sculpt, Contour, Lift, Smooth

🌿 NativSens. Multifunctional Application: Gua Sha Tools serve to lift and tighten the skin, sculpt & soothe the muscle, & restore flow to the lymph nodes. Experience the versatility of a tool that can be used on both Face & Body for a comprehensive skincare routine.

🌀 Smooth Cellulite: Minimize the appearance of cellulite dimples by flushing toxins and waste, leaving your skin smoother and firmer.

🤰 Blend Stretchmarks & Scars: Ideal for post-pregnancy and post-surgery care, this tool works wonders when used with stretchmark butters and balms to gently reduce the appearance of scars.

🧴 Smooth Skin: Complement your anti-acne skincare routine by using NATIV SENS  White Jade gua sha tool to diminish acne scar marks and dark spots for a clearer complexion.

📏 Trim & Sculpt: Slim Waistline & Target belly fat while flushing lipids to help trim your tummy. Stimulate and sculpt your abdomen muscles for a toned look.

🌟 Facial Scraping: Achieve a V-line, uplifted, and youthful-toned look. Reduce fine lines & wrinkles. Eliminate saggy jowls, & tone your neckline and décolletage.

💆‍♀️ Deep Tissue Relief: Indulge in a personal spa day at home. Target specific areas & trigger points for a deep tissue massage sensation, relieving tension and promoting relaxation.

Can I use it with my skincare routine?


This product is designed to boost the absorption and effectiveness of your existing skincare, complementing your current routine.

For optimal results, use daily for 5-10 minutes. Glide the Gua Sha in upward strokes over clean skin after applying your NativSens. Body Oil, or your favourite serum or moisturiser to boost absorption & maximise benefits.

How often should I use it?

To experience the wonders of our White Jade Gua Sha, we recommend using the product daily as part of your self-care routine.

Also, don't forget to use it with our NativSens. Body Oil. Our oil has been expertly crafted, and specifically designed to enhance each individual benefit of our Gua Sha.


Easy To Use. Unmatched Impact.

The NativSens. Difference

Targeted Skin Benefits

Enhanced Skin Elasticity

Suitable for All Skin Types

Stimulates Product Absorption

Natural Detoxification

Boosts Collagen Appearance

Works on all - Face & Body

Quick And Easy


When Can I Expect Results?

Straight Away

You’ll be surprised at just how fast you can expect results! – you’ll likely notice a change after your first or second treatment.

1-2 Weeks

After one or two weeks of consistent treatments, you’ll notice tighter, brighter, plumper skin all over your body - thanks to less restricted blood flow and enhanced detoxification.

You’ll be surprised at just how fast you can expect results! – you’ll likely notice a change after your first or second treatment.

After one or two weeks of consistent treatments, you’ll notice tighter, brighter, plumper skin all over your body - thanks to less restricted blood flow and enhanced detoxification.

NativSens. vs Competitors

Promotes lymphatic drainage, reducing puffiness and improving overall skin health

Competitors limit impact on lymphatic drainage, focusing mainly on surface results

Enhances circulation, giving your skin a natural, long-lasting glow

Competitors products often offer temporary brightness without improving circulation

Increases absorption of skincare products, boosting their effectiveness

Competitors offer no significant improvement in product absorption.

Targets facial tension and muscle tightness, offering relaxation benefits

Many competitors focus more on exfoliation than relieving tension

Effectively reduces puffiness and inflammation with regular use

Competitor products provide short-term relief but lacks long-term effectiveness against puffiness.

Effectively reduces the appearance of cellulite, stretchmarks, & skin imperfections with regular use.

Competitor products provide short term relief but lack longterm effectiveness against cellulite.

The Future Is Shiny!

Said it enhances circulation, giving skin a long-lasting glow

Noticed reduction in puffiness and inflammation

Saw an improvement in the look of skin imperfections


NativSens Q&A

Why Should I Even Use Gua Sha... Does it help?

Gua Sha is a traditional healing technique with roots in ancient medicine, where it has been practiced for centuries to promote wellness. This method involves an authentic stone, such as our White Jade, expertly crafted with smooth edges to allow for improved circulation.

Scientific studies have supported its effectiveness, noting benefits like enhanced blood flow, reduced inflammation, and lymphatic drainage, which leads to a more toned and youthful appearance of the skin. Regular use reduces puffiness, promoting the absorption of skincare products, and relieving muscle tension, making it a valuable addition to your daily skincare and wellness regimen.

Should I use the Nativ Sens Body Oil with my Gua Sha?

🌟Absolutely! The Nativ Sens. Body Oil is specifically designed to enhance your Gua Sha experience. This blend of natural oils, including real palo santo and blue lotus, not only deeply moisturizes and nourishes your skin but also boosts its elasticity and glow. Rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, it complements the Gua Sha's effects by promoting smoother and more youthful skin. When used together, they provide a luxurious, indulgent experience. Plus, our products are cruelty-free, vegan, and made from sustainable materials, allowing you to pamper yourself responsibly.

Can Gua Sha help with jaw tension or TMJ?

🦷 Yes, regular use can alleviate jaw tension and TMJ discomfort by relaxing the muscles and improving circulation.

How long should a Gua Sha session last?

⏱ A typical session lasts 5-10 minutes, focusing on gentle strokes for effective results without overworking the skin

Can Gua Sha be used on other parts of the body?

🌟 Yes, it can be used on areas like the neck, shoulders, and back to relieve tension and improve circulation

Is Gua Sha safe to use every day?

✅ Yes, it's safe for daily use, but be sure to use gentle pressure to avoid irritation or overstimulation of the skin

Will Gua Sha improve the absorption of my skincare products?

💆‍♀️ Yes, using Gua Sha boosts blood circulation, allowing your skincare products to penetrate deeper and work more effectively
